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Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by Onepoint - Today at 05:24:26 AM
Ugh, -24 wind chill this morning, and straight out of the east which is the worst direction, most shed face east or south so not much protection for critters, fortunately the house and out buildings is blocking most of it for them, also have about 4" of snow looks like, piled up to 7 or 8" drifts mostly.  Winter sucks
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by stetto - February 16, 2025, 11:13:21 AM
We were down to -10° the other morning. Having come out of that we're expecting another round of it this week. From Canada. Of course. This is our 4th winter in CO, so far no two even close to the same. Our first was darn near tropical. I'd love to have that one every year.

After that first 9 seconds and ensuing 3-1 loss by  the Canadian hockey team last night,  you'd almost think this weather is some kind of....revenge...😳
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by Onepoint - February 16, 2025, 08:23:21 AM
We had a little of that last week or so, not so much that it was so cold, it was just around 5 to 0, but we had 50+ mph wind with it for a few hours, which is actually kind of rare when its that cold, usually the wind brings warmer temps with it so it feels just as cold.  It's teens now but calm and sunny, doesn't feel all that bad out.
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by balsum fractus - February 15, 2025, 11:12:11 PM
Quote.  Extreme Cold Warning in effect for:
City of Edmonton - St. Albert - Sherwood Park
Extremely cold wind chill values between minus 40 and minus 45 are expected tonight.

Wind chill values will moderate somewhat during the daytime hours.

These extremely cold wind chills will continue into early next week before coming to an end. 

Enjoy the warm weather you have down there in the tropics....
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by Onepoint - February 15, 2025, 05:31:07 AM
sounds like us, except any meaningful moisture and less about 30 degrees.
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by jetmex - February 14, 2025, 08:35:33 AM
It's winter again.  For today, anyway.  45 degrees and a really cold north wind.  I'll second that "Nony shut the damn gate" request.  Tomorrow will be in the high 70s and raining, then it will seesaw between 30s and 60s all next week.  Been a very strange winter this year.
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by Onepoint - February 14, 2025, 05:24:56 AM
We had several days of cold, low 20s or teens for highs, nuthin on the bottom end, wind chills were down -10s, yesterday it warmed up a little, getting to almost 30, now we are at 25 at 5:30 this morning, so there is hope I won't mutate to grow a fur coat like a buffalo yet. 

Oops, I looked at teh forcast for next week, round 2 of the same, I guess I will stay warm chopping wood.  :eusa_wall:
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by stetto - February 13, 2025, 12:01:45 PM
Yuh, -9° crispy ones here in the Springs this morning. Went out in 3° yesterday to get Terrin's car serviced, gonna wind up over $1500 when they're done.

I miss my shade tree guy back does my wallet.
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by wtxsflyr - February 13, 2025, 07:14:46 AM
18 degrees here this morning! NONY! Shut the damn gate !!!!!   please?
Livestock Bar & Grill / Re: whoze bin messin' wif da w...
Last post by Onepoint - February 09, 2025, 12:54:09 PM
66 the day before, 30 and crisp yesterday, 41 and windy now, and then the bottom falls out for a few days, 20 or teens for highs and near nuthin or below for lows and chance of snow everyday until Thursday or so.