whoze bin messin' wif da weather ?

Started by balsum fractus, January 05, 2012, 08:39:41 PM

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Our northern gatekeeper is missing and the gate is open!  30 degrees last night with a north 15kt wind, so it was a little chilly this morning.  At least the sun is out, that takes a little of the sting away.  Woke up to a dead thermostat and furnace this morning, and had visions of dollar signs dancing in my head until I found the tripped breaker. Life is good again...sorta.  Keep the sssss.....snnsnsnsss....snnn...that white stuff up your way, please! 


We have 3" that won't go away since it gave us another dusting over night, and I want more? This is going to trip my breaker.  :icon_smile:

Most of the cold and snow had stayed east and south of us, we just get the free sample version, so far.

 I do feel for you southern guys, you are not used to this kind of cold, probably need to swap coffee out for the lighter SAE variety so you don't grind to a halt.


We're at 1-2 inches, the 7" forecast was magically poofed into 2-4" just since my last post. SS,DD.

But the chill is on for the foreseeable...


Our 6-10 inches has dwindled to 2-3, and then about 1/2 inch of ice from freezing rain.


We had snow flurries, but not accumulation, but the -8 windchill this morning is not welcome.    :eusa_hand:


We woke to 1° this morning, but not a lick of wind.

They're forecasting 40s & 50s here for next week. Sure man, sure...


Not quite as cold here, got down to 29 last night and we won't see 50 or sunshine again until next week.  It's supposed to start raining tomorrow, so I'm hoping I don't have to go anywhere if the roads start to ice up.  Houston drivers are bad enough without adding ice to the mix...


Wind today. We'd have had blizzard conditions if these 40+mph gusts occurred along with yesterday's s-sn-nieve...


We got about 1/2 inch of rain, then it turned to big ole marshmallow snowflakes. Got about 1 1/2 inches on the ground then quit.


I hate winter.

Up at 0400 to get the son and granddaughter on a flight to Florida.  Through Atlanta, which is under a few feet of ssssss.....sssnnnnnnn.......snsnsns....They got there 20 minutes ago and are now hoping to get to Gainesville sometime tonight. Freezing rain in that forecast.

Twenty minutes after I got home, the furnace circuit breaker tripped.  The AC guys are here now looking at it, but it's been a little chilly today.  42 outside now, but they say sunshine back tomorrow!!


Nieve, Jaime. You can just call it what the vatos do.



Nope.  Can't do it!   :disturbed:


You are pretty close in German, just draw it out and use angry voice "Schnee!"


I tried, Honcho.  Really, I did.  But the last three letters always keep coming out "itt...."

Heater is fixed.  Turned out to be a bad circuit breaker.  And I got a new multimeter out of the deal when my old one finally gave it up.  That one had a Radio Shack label on it.

Sun is out, 51 degrees.  :icon_mrgreen:


Well this is going to be fun.  We have had a about a couple inches of snow that just won't go away for a bout a week now despite highs in the 30s, when it melts even a little we get a snow shower to top it off.

This coming few days is going to get interesting, going to get near 50 Thursday, so I expect it to get muddy since it has not really been wet yet, then the bottom falls out, 36 and snow again Friday, but Sat 15/-10, Sun 7/-15 Mon 13/ 0 for highs and lows, all those days accompanied by 15 mph breezes.  At least we get above freezing again Tuesday supposedly.

Its winter, it happens, but I hate this part of the dead mosquito season.