I never knew that.....

Started by balsum fractus, April 19, 2013, 06:44:08 PM

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balsum fractus

perhaps our East Wyoming correspondent can verify this......

balsum fractus

balsum fractus

...and from Mexico and Canada.....

..all I can say is the Canada part is absolutely true.....


Heheh, I have no doubt its true, though at least so far no one has called 911 when encountering problems ordering their assault sandwich.

We have those Canadian standoffs all the time at 4 way stops around here all the time.


Smoking under water has been a problem here in MN ever since the Wall-Eyed Trust Fund Baby Governor took office and banned smoking everywhere else. It just became necessary to outlaw the practice. Second-hand lake scum is threatening the milfoil crops...

You can buy all the tobacco you want in MN (they just LOVE the tax revenue), but if you're going to smoke it, you'll have to find a lake in Nort Dekoda.